I had to join this forum to find out what I should have surefully found in a guest search. I don't mind... sure I'll learn a few things on the way round, but... it did seem strange to me.
So PLEASE post some informative data here about your bubble bag yields. All I have to go on at the mo is two claims from people on another site, one who makes loverly photos but reckons to get 3 gms. usable material from 200 trim and the other who reckons to get about 3 gm from 28 gm. trim/air bud, which if it is frozen fresh trim equates to maybe 8-12 gm. dry trim and so would be sensationally high.

I would suggest:
1. Weight and exact nature of raw material (leaf/airbug/fatbud)?
2. Method of agitation and advice on temps.
3. Final total weight usable for pressing A quality hash (w/o individual bag yields).

Looking forward to the data