Quote Originally Posted by Kif it Kunta View Post
The War on Pot runs in cycles of oppression for small time growers and smokers. The late 60's and 70's were relatively free and easy, though the first Proposition to legalize cannabis back then didn't pass either. Then came Raygun's oppressive war on drugs, heavier penalties etc. Later with the internet came a big increase in personal use growers, MMJ was passed and pot was a lot freer than in the previous cycle.

I think loss of Prop 19 will later be seen as beginning of the end of the cannabis freedoms we currently enjoy, the end of that cycle and the beginning of a new and sadly, a more oppressive one. If other cycles point to what might happen in the future I expect a 10 ~15 years period of oppression against those who do no one any harm but happen to enjoy cannabis and cannabis growing. I wonder how it will take before State wide monthly THC tests for all students while loudspeakers scream "JUST SAY NO" 24/7. i hope i'm wrong
While you do have a convincing timeline to suggest a cycle, I prefer to think of it like waves gradually lapping their way up a beach towards high tide. Sure, the water might recede a bit, but the next wave surpasses the last.

To put it less eloquently: The younger generations carry with them a very 'realistic' view of Marijuana. They are beginning to understand the plant and reject the propaganda that has been associated with it for so long. As the more 'confused' generations and their archaic views go the way of the dino, the attitude towards Marijuana will continue to grow more positive.

Perhaps I'm just being hopelessly optimistic...
