To you unfamiliar with this girls Treating Yourself name it is mary prancer the dancer

she prefers merryprankster but gives herself too much credit and looses its mind on a regular basis and thinks she is privileged like some others that obviously cant handle cannabis

licked my boots on a regular basis over there and I am quite sure she just misses me and is saying so

please excuse the assortment of riff raff my steppin in here may attract

Quote Originally Posted by Ragamuffin' View Post
Take some of your own advice!! If the members at this website knew about you, you'd be laughed outta' here by these people. You were never abused at TY, you were the abuser. Your psychotic fucking rants divided that website for a long time and Marco finally had it and closed you down. You did nothing but cause problems for a LONG time and it was finally delt with by Marco. Your political party dumped you because of your antisemitic remarks and everywhere you go you are usually disliked quite quickly. It only took a few posts here before the owner noticed your psychotic tendencies. Just go away Shavluk. Legend in your own mind.